Andrew Stelzer: Radio & Print Journalist
Criminal Justice and Police Issues
Criminalizing Mental Illness: How the country’s jails have become our default mental health treatment centers. LISTEN
Can We Predict Police Escalation?: The first 45 words spoken by police officers during traffic stops can predict if the encounter will escalate. WATCH
Editing award-winning stories for Uncuffed: Radio produced by men incarcerated in California prisons. LISTEN
For Chronic Alcoholics, ‘Wet Houses’ Offer a Home: Shelters have kind of been the same way they are for over 100 years. LISTEN
Librarians on the Line: Evaluating Children's Books About Police: In a post Black Lives Matter world, children’s literature hasn’t necessarily kept up with the times. LISTEN
For Alcoholic Residents at Dann’s House, ‘It Feels Like Home’: This summer morning, like every day, the case manager went on a beer run around 9 a.m. READ
Is this crime-fighting technique invading your privacy?: ShotSpotter straddles the fine line technology walks between public good and privacy bad. LISTEN
Legendary Squatter Takes Possession of His Home: Can the narrow legal strategy of squatting to take posession of a home help stem gentrification? LISTEN
Efforts to deploy drones for humanitarian purposes are hampered by public fears: Bureaucracy is keeping aid from reaching war-torn Syrians towns LISTEN
Commuter Cops: Should police have to live in the city where they work? LISTEN